President Museveni commissions 346 km roads in Bunyoro

HOIMA – President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni commissioned various roads measuring to 346 kms in the Albertine Graben worth billions of shillings.

The President commissioned the roads that include the 111km oil road Hoima-Kigorobya -Butiaba- Buliisa-Wanseko that was constructed at a cost of Shs 630 billion, the 69 km Kigumba-Masindi-Buliima road that was constructed at a cost of Shs 203 billion and the 66 km Buliima-Hoima-Kabwoya-Kyejonjo road that was constructed at a cost of Shs 1413 billion all measuring 235km.

Hoima-Kigorobya -Butiaba- Buliisa-Wanseko was constructed by China Communication Construction Company Limited, Kigumba-Masindi Buliima, Kabwoya was constructed by China Railway No 5 Construction Company and Kabwoya-Kagadi-Kyejono roads was constructed by Shengli Engineering Construction (Group) Co. Ltd under the supervision of Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA).

After commissioning the roads, President Museveni addressed the Bunyoro region leaders at Bwikya Muslim headquarters in Hoima City.

In his speech, Museveni expressed concern over some groups of people misleading the public that the road infrastructures have been developed due to oil and gas discovery.

He noted that the Kigumba-Bulima-Kabwoya, Kabwoya-Kyejonjo, Bubende- Kakumiro-Kibaale Kagandi roads, Hoima-Kiboga-Kampala and Masindi -Kafu roads were meant to be constructed with or without oil.

He further said, these roads were under the National Road Network Plan to link Northern to Western Uganda to promote, trade and tourism from Queen Elizabeth National Park to Murchison falls National Park.

“It is wrong to say that these roads were constructed due to oil and gas discovery, so you mean that if Bunyoro had no oil, the government wouldn’t have constructed roads in this area? No, this is not true, some of the roads we are commissioning today are oil roads and others were in our National Road Network Plan. So, you should explain to our people about this,” the President explained.

He added that the government has mobilized funds to work on other roads which are not oil roads such as the -Ndaiga, Birembo-Nkoko-Ntwetwe-Masode roads and Karuguza-Kyegegwa- Kabogole-Burunga and Kazoo among other.

Museveni explained that the National Resistance Movement (NRM) has paid the road debt for Bunyoro and therefore the people of Bunyoro should use the roads wisely to cause socio-economic transformation.

He also said that there is need for the people of Bunyoro to embrace commercial farming if the roads are to create impact to the Kingdom subjects.

He challenged the political and religious leaders to mobilize people to embrace the four-acre model to ensure that people move out poverty. Under this model, the president encouraged every Ugandan who wants to move out poverty to at least have one acre of coffee, fruits, food crops, and rear cows for milk, poultry and piggery.

President Museveni noted that intensive and extensive agriculture should be embraced despite the existing good roads infrastructure. He also noted that Uganda is now peaceful adding that the availability of peace and improved infrastructures should be used to promote development of the region.

Meanwhile, Asinasi Nyakato, the Hoima City Woman MP petitioned the President to intervene and order the payment of residents who were affected by the construction of several roads that have been tarmacked.

She noted that the people who were affected by the Hoima-Kaiso-Tonya roads have spent more than 10 years demanding for their compensation but there is no one to respond to their demands.

Though they had denied her a chance to speak, Nyakato moved to the front and whispered to the Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja about the issues despite calls from NRM leaders stopping her.

Nabbanja asked Nyakato to write to her office promising that all unpaid PAPs will be paid soon.

Nabbanja commended the government for the construction of the roads adding that the region has been longing for such infrastructure. She said that the development in region are as result of visionary leadership of NRM adding that she is impressed with the good infrastructure across the country.

Speaking at the same function Fred Byamukama, the State Minister for works raised a red flag against the theft of road signs on various roads in Bunyoro region and the country at large. He says, the theft of road signage is dangerous for road users.

Byamukama also expressed concern over the increased encroachment on roads reserves in the country. He said the two vices cost the government millions of shillings in compensation and replacing vandalized roads signs.

He called on leaders to mobilize the locals to own these roads and use them profitably.

He noted that Bunyoro region has so far 800km of improved roads infrastructure which he said will help in transforming the region and facilitate agricultural and oil and gas sectors which are in line with the NRM manifesto.

Byamukama appealed to the leaders and the locals to jealously guard the roads and stop destroying the road signs. He also warned the heavy trucks drivers to stop overloading on these roads adding that this challenge is affecting the lifespan of the roads.

Matia Kasaija, the Minister for Finance also said, that the commissioned roads in the region will help to provide regional integration with DRC and Rwanda and also facilitate oil activities.

He added that the roads will also help provide production and industrialization of the oil sector.

“The roads will enhance socio-economic transformation among the people and ensure growth and economic development,” he noted.

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