Kikuube district receives Shs1 billion supplementary budget support

KIKUUBE – Kikuube district local government leaders are excited over its supplementary budget support worth Shs1 billion that the government disbursed to the district accounts.

Kikuube district council in last week’s council meeting approved a supplementary budget for the Financial Year 2021/22.

According to the supplementary budget that Opio Vicente, the leader of government business presented to the council; it indicated that the funds that the district received include Uganda Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfer Program (UGFIT) funding of Shs 846m and unspent balance of Shs 100 million for Kikuube district education department.

According to Opio, in the last financial year, the government returned Shs 100 million from the district account to the national treasury which money was rotational for Nyairongo Seed School that is under construction.

He added that the money was reimbursed to the district account to help the district complete the construction of the school.

The district also received Shs 23.5m under Bunyoro Affairs Micro Projects Support that was recently initiated by President Museveni to help the people of Bunyoro create jobs and wealth so that they can move out of poverty.

The district also received Shs 198.5m under Albertine Region Sustainable Development Project (ARSDP).

He noted that the Shs 1 billion was not part of their budget and appealed to the council to approve the budget since it is in accordance with section 25(2) of the Public Finance Management (amended) Act, 2015.

After his presentation, the councillors unanimously approved a supplementary budget saying that it was going to help in improving service delivery.

The counsellors argued that the Kikuube district Financial Year 2021/22 budget is Shs 36.83 billion adding that the support of Shs1,168,645,609, is a big boost to the district.

Peter Banura, the district Chairman said, sectors to benefit from the funds are; education, health, natural resources, water, works and community department.

He added that with the supplementary budget support, the district is going to rehabilitate and construct 70 km roads in different parts of the district.

He further noted that the district has been grappling with poor road network hence with support under ARSDP, the roads are going to be improved and help the local person to access social amenities such as markets, health facilities and schools among others.

Suzan Kabasindi, the Kikuube district councillor for Buhimba Town Council said, the budget support has come at the right time when the district is grappling with inadequate funds to offer service to the people.

She noted that three roads that include; Buhimba-Kizinga – Kimpongo road, Kihabwemi-Kigaya –Ibanda-karama road will be constructed in her constituency.

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