SGAP: SkillCoop Graduate Apprentice Program
The SkillCoop Graduate Apprentice Program (SGAP) is designed to provide real-world experiences allowing graduate trainees to apply what they have learned in a practical setting and to embed their understanding of the concept in the practice and work of cooperatives.
The SGAP is an initiative of the Uhuru Institute for Social Development (TUI) through the SkillCoop Academy in partnership with the Coop360° Network, colleges and universities for cooperatives and graduate trainees in Uganda.
In 2017, TUI rolled out a successful inaugural volunteers program under the Coop360° Network, which benefited 26 cooperatives. The volunteers included an interdisciplinary team of young adults selected by the cooperatives from a pool of applicants subjected to assessments and selected on merit by TUI. During their one year in the program, they attended various skills development activities by TUI to enable them to support the operations of the cooperatives and coordinate the partnership between TUI, the cooperatives, and others.
This initiative saw over 90% of the cooperatives retain the volunteers because of the value they added to them. The highlight of the inaugural program was when the volunteers led the Network cooperatives in the 2022 #NoExcuses Youth Legacy Awards, during which 3 cooperatives won financial and non-financial prizes.
Building on the successes of the inaugural volunteer program, the SkillCoop Academy is launching its Graduate Apprentice Program as a core component of its skills development effort for cooperatives and young graduates. The aim of the program is to professionalise cooperative human capital to create decent, meaningful and sustainable jobs that spur cooperative competitiveness and resilience. SGAP’s aspirations align with the Government of Uganda’s priority interventions stipulated in Vision 2040 and its various development blueprints.
Apprentice Annual Calendar: The revamped program starts in January 2025 and will run on an annual basis with each cohort running 6 months.
Apprentice Based Coaching: During the engagement period, the apprentices will receive monthly coaching from SkillCoop’s Technical Support Associates in areas that will be identified by the partner/participating cooperative as critical to their delivery.
Reporting Lines: The apprentice will report to a supervisor appointed by the cooperative on their day-to-day assignments and is expected to write a report of not more than 3 pages to the cooperative and the Uhuru Institute on how trans-formative the apprentice program has been.
Facilitation: TUI will facilitate the apprentice with a stipend of UGX 200,000 (two hundred thousand shillings) per month as a subsistence pay. The apprentice is not entitled to a salary, but the cooperative expected to facilitate the smooth delivery of their assignments. Upon completion of the apprentice program, the cooperative may choose to retain the apprentice as a full-time employee at their own discretion.
Download the documents below for more information and submit your application to the Uhuru Institute for Social Development via email at
Call for Applications and Job Description – Shuuku SACCO Ltd
Call for Applications and Job Description – Bwindi Coffee Growers Cooperative Society Ltd – BCGC
Call for Applications and Job Description – Munaku Kaama Kisubi SACCO Ltd – MKKS